If you have never grown your own, you are missing out! If they make it to your kitchen, they are best steamed or boiled and then smothered in butter or raw in salads, add them to stir fries, stews, just about anything goes.
A cool season crop that is best planted in early spring or in late summer for a fall harvest. In milder winter climates, they can be planted in fall for a winter harvest.
Bolero Peas
Pisum sativum These compact bushy plants only grow around 24"(60cm) tall and are ideal for cont..
Greenfeast Peas
Pisum sativum Greenfeast is one of the staples in our family. We annually plant 2 double rows of ..
Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea
Pisum sativum It is a really cool pea variety that is the original Mangetout. That is low growing..