
Broccoli is a very rewarding crop to grow. A cool season crop that is best planted in the cooler spring or fall months. They produce bigger and tastier heads when exposed to cooler temperatures. Can be sown directly or started in seed trays to give you a head start for an earlier plant-out in spring. Broccoli are heavy feeders, so be sure to prepare your soil well, with lots of compost and organic matter.
Broccoli is best harvested when the heads are firm and tight, before they begin to loosen up. Once they begin to loosen up they tend to open and flower quite quickly, rendering them inedible. Most varieties will produce a larger, central head which is usually followed by smaller side florets, giving you an extended harvest over a number of weeks.
De Cicco Broccoli
Brassica oleracea This old Italian heirloom was first introduced in the 1890s. It has varying m..
Green Sprouting Broccoli
Brassica oleracea italica A real gem in the garden. Green Sprouting broccoli does not produce a..
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Brassica oleracea italica Wow, a beautiful highly productive and much sought after broccoli varie..
Romanesco Broccoli
Brassica oleracea This Italian heirloom is an outstanding broccoli. The lime green heads make a..
Spring Rapini Broccoli
Brassica rapa Known by many names and related to broccoli, this Rapini produces multiple, small..
Waltham Broccoli
Brassica oleraceaA really quick growing variety, ready to harvest 50-60 days from transplant. This v..