
Kale is a ‘super food’, its own little powerhouse of nutrients.
So easy to grow, making it a very rewarding crop that just keeps on giving. Handles cooler weather very well and is tolerant of a little heat. Early spring plantings work the best, enabling a good crop before the heat of summer sets in. In more moderate climates, you can enjoy an extended growing season.
Can be eaten raw in salads, lightly steamed, fried with a little butter or made into your favorite kale chips, green or purple, you chose.
Couve Tronchuda
Brassica oleracea capitata Couve Tronchuda is often referred to as a kale or as a leaf cabb..
Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch
Brassica oleracea acephala Stunning small compact variety that really has a great flavor. The lea..
Dwarf Siberian Kale
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