Pole Beans
Blue Lake Pole Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris As with most pole beans, these take a little longer to begin their produ..
Blue Peter Pole Beans
Phaseolus vulgarus This pole bean is a beautiful and useful addition to your vegetable gard..
Cosse Violette Pole Bean
Phaseolus vulgarus Cosse Violette is an outstanding pole bean. A little slow to get started and t..
Delgado Black Mexican
Phaseolus vulgaris A rare climbing bean from Mexico, these pole beans grow to well over 2 m tall,..
Epicure Pole Bean
Phaseolus vulgarus Beautiful, long, flat, green pods are produced on this pole bean variety..
Great Northern Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris This is "THE" cooking bean. It is the most recognizable (by name) as almost ev..
Half White Sugar Bean
Phaseolus vulgarus A stunning South African heirloom pole bean. A reliable producer of tender bea..
Lazy Wife (White seeded)
Phaseolus vulgarus A very old German variety from the 1810's. Named as such because of the ease o..
Marvel of Nictaux
Phaseolus vulgarus A pole bean variety that got its name from Nictaux, a town in Nova Scotia Cana..
Molly's Zebra
Phaseolus vulgarus One of Australia’s favourite runner bean varieties. Bred as a green cutting be..
Nyemba Pole Bean
Phaseolus vulgarisNyemba is a traditional Malawian dry bean, this is the dry bean of choice for most..
Osborne and Clyde Pole Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris A vigorous climbing bean that produces short, flat green pods with a reddish-p..
Pakistan Maroon Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris Pakistan Maroon Beans are a staple food grown and used extensively in Pa..
Pakistan White Shooter
Phaseolus vulgarus What a fun variety to grow. Pakistan White Shooter originates from the M..
Rattlesnake Beans
Heirloom.This bean have vigorous vines which easily grow over 3m tall. Very productive yielding lots..