Beans are a most rewarding crop for the home gardener. Easy to grow and even easier to save. Simply leave a few pods to dry out on your best plants and you have become an instant seed saver. Our collection includes over 100 bean varieties suited for almost every type of dish, perfect for the culinary connoisseur.
Bush Beans are a very quick and rewarding crop that produce early, with flushes of tender beans Runner Beans/Pole Beans take a while longer to start producing but produce for extended periods. Harvests can extend almost the entire season if the plants are well tended.
Lima Beans are a rare treat for the home gardener. Productive, rambling, bushy plants that produce exceptional dry beans that compliment almost any dish. Warm to hot weather and well-drained soil is a must for Lima beans.
Plant your beans directly in the ground after the last frost.
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